Self Care

What do you do to practice self-care?

I treat myself to manis and pedis. :nail_care:
Naps are a big part, too. Quiet time has a major role. Some days I turn my phone off. :blush:


Ice cream

Adventures and cooking healthy.

A massage. Thatโ€™s where Iโ€™m at today cuz boy do I need it!!

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Now the sauna. Used to be hike but I'm a detox freak now. I drink way more water than I used to. Was actually considering adding pedis to my regj but I'm so embarrassed of my feet in general

I so need one. I have not had one in months.

Get that pedi.

Yeah, I am trying to focus on detoxing. I've been drinking more water, too. What else do you do to detox?


What kind of adventures? Hiking, road trips?

I love ice cream.

Which flavors?

Road trips. Exploring the state.

yoga nidra

I like the idea of turning the phone off. What do you do with the smart phone withdrawal symptoms; Shakes, sweats, restless, etc? LOL

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Nope. :joy::joy::joy: Those symptoms are why I turn the phone off. :crazy_face:


Hagen Danze Coockies and Cream

I get my mania and my hair done and it really makes me feel better.

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Sauna. Water. Now my homegirl goes and Nazis my diet :joy::joy: exercise has been crucial. As well as turning my phone off

Shower daily.
Lotion my face, arms and neck.
Eat healthy foods.
Push-ups and curls each morning and night
Hike big miles on the weekends
Drink lots of water.

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Watching reality tv while eating and drinking tea... working out with pilates. Paint my nails. Listen to podcast as i clean my home.

I love pilates!

Eyebrows on pointโ€ฆโ€ฆ..