
Newly sober and struggling with how to forgive myself for the mess I have created of my life and how I've hurt those I love through drug addiction.


I think often you need to re-earn respect from those close to you. Nobody wants to hear "talk" about being sober. Postive actions will eventually have positive results.

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Completely accurate . With acceptance from others comes the allowance of forgiving yourself .

Self forgiveness is a huge step in our recovery. I was sick and hurt many people and myself for many years. The 12 steps really helped!
Are you working the 12 steps with a sponsor?

Good morning Mary, have you read the doctors opinion out of the AA Big Book?

It explains how we have an allergy to drinking and drugging.

Once we see that we realize that we were victims once we put the drink or the drug in our body. Once I realize that I understood, I need to forgive myself for the things that I did, because I did some pretty horrible things to myself to my family to my friends to my coworkers, and to my business partners.

Once I realize this, I was able to slowly but surely forgive myself, and move on to Recovery. Hopefully this helps. Have a blessed day.


It takes a bit to change, and it takes a bit for you and others to change perspectives. But challenge after challenge… day after day… obstacle after obstacle… you will change, and their perspective will change. If they don’t change, cut them loose for a while until they do.

I so love these beautiful words of encouragement already offered to you! They ate like gold! Mary, I would only add, it does not mean we seek to “excuse” our behaviour in active use, but it “explains it”! We couldn’t do better then, but now we can. We can make amends n we can dig deep to the roots of why. Meanwhile, we can ask our Higher Power to help us give ourselves the gift of compassion, as we learn n grow in Recovery. Its a beautiful journey, so glad you have decided to work at it too! Big hugs,

Sky B​:gift_heart::sparkling_heart::blue_heart:🩵:heart:🩶:black_heart: