Shame and Guilt

I feel absolutely awful about my secret. I hate this and wonder how anyone has gotten over it?


Mike has a great point in it wasn’t you. It was the addiction. I had a ton of embarrassment, regrets, fear, secrets… I worked the steps in AA honestly and when I did 4/5 it was a muther! But after I spent 3 hours with my sponsor and told him EVERYTHING… and I mean all the dirty nasty stuff… I felt the weight lifted. It still took some introspection and letting myself forgive myself, but I have been living guilt free now for over a year. You can get there, ya just need to be completely honest.

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I don't know if anyone's gone through this without feeling like that. It's going to be ok, and this isn't a moral struggle. Give yourself the kindness you'd give others. For lots of people, it has, can or will get better!

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