Slipped and fell

I drank yesterday/today after having 221days of sobriety. Back to basics


Welcome back Thomas. Keep trying. We all make mistakes. One day at a time brother.

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Welcome back! You got this!!

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There’s no judgment keep coming back. God loves you no matter what.

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Those 221 days were not wasted.


Welcome back man, you got this if you want it.

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Back to the basics bro. It happens. Keep it simple. ODAAT.

I would have picked up yesterday if I thought I could have...

Admitting myself to MH today to address the issues that lead me to such a dark mindset. My quick fix (fentanyl) will surely be a permanent "fix" otherwise.


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Not at all. And day 1 is a beautiful day when we allow ot to be. Pausing for however long ot takes, to review, relearn, correct, reset. Thomas, we got this brother!

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Thank you Jeff! I am here today sober and going to stay sober. I slipped, I fell, but it’s not the end of the world either. I am truly grateful and blessed for the life I have.

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Thank you! :clap:t3:

You are 100% right. God loves me just like he loves you as well too.

No not wasted at all. I did a lot of growth, internal work, prayer and connection with god. It’s all a blessing and I am grateful for everything

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Yep back to basics. Keep it simple, let go and let god :mechanical_arm:

Glad you’re trying again Brother! When I fell shame consumed me and it became worse than ever. I consider my last relapse experience. U got it. :muscle::slightly_smiling_face: