Slipped back again. Did the stupid things again. Here's the

Slipped back again. Did the stupid things again. Here's the square one.


Do not be so hard on yourself. Without help it is too much for us.

That’s why Treatment is so vital for us to be separated from the drink or the drug once again. We need to be separated, so we can have our minds, defogged.

Then we can slowly gain the tools. We need to say no to the drink of the drug. Through getting a sponsor and working the steps. Going to meetings getting a support group. We slowly recover one day at a time 


I was a chronic relapser for way too long! Finally I got help and kept on asking for & accepting help from sober alcoholics & addicts. Best move I ever made! Wish I would’ve done it sooner, but hey I’m just glad I finally did. You can too😉


Well, let’s both just get through today without drinking

It’s not square one! You didn’t lose anything you learned on the days you were sober. You still did those days and they are ones that count.


Thanks that actually means a lot to hear that.