Slipped ,don't want it today but feel bad

Slipped ,don't want it today but feel bad


Hiiii James, you know what. That's what I'm worried about, I'm scared to slip but deep inside I want to. It's ugly. I know of all the possibilities of what could be the outcome of using again but my stupid addict brain is saying just do it. No not today. I don't want to. Ugh idk but I just wanted to relate a little


They told me to call somebody before I pick up ,but I was already in the car driving ,I hate keep resetting my sobriety date

You know what, I was so far ahead in my recovery. 187 days to be exact and then I let the comforts of where my life is now from before that I figured I should reward myself, I bought a bottle n that started my slip. Ugh I felt soooo ugly when I finally came home. Washed up, threw all my things in the washer n had a slight panic trying to sleep. Worst fall ever. I think of that before I try use again but honestly I hate how I am when I'm using so JFT I'm going to stay on and keep talking with you till whenever

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Slipping 1000 times means nothing.
You can fail 1000 times Big Homie but let me tell you one thing!
It means you were strong enough to get up 1001 times!
So you get back up,
And dust yoself off,
And go to a meeting,
Even if you gotta sit there and sober up right there after you slipped up.


Don’t beat yourself up… happens and it over….try writing down what you want to do today…..and just follow
Your thoughts…just a suggestion that I’m trying…..good luck to you….


Sometimes we need to go to treatment in order to be fully removed from the drink or the drug.

Have you thought about going to Treatment to detox?

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Been there bud. I’ve probably slipped a couple hundred times. We all have been there. Denzel Washington say “ the devil only attacks you when you are doing something right. And leaves you alone when doing wrong “ so if you are feeling pulled, stop, close your eyes, and pray. My kicker was my kids. Every time I had those feelings I’d go look at them and watch them, before I knew it the itch to drink was gone! This is on a personal note but I also would watch stupid movies. (Joe Dirt) life is a garden, dig it. Laughing always helps.