Slooowly Improving Health

Coming up on 30 days, I’m grateful for my sloooowly improving health. I’m slightly less poofy. My sleep is deeper. Minor skin irritations are clearing up. Inflammation related pain is down. My mood is stabilizing. Now, to get rid of this brain fog… :laughing:


Congrats on 30 days! It only gets better! The brain fog will lift soon. Keep pushing :muscle:t4:

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yes. it will clear took over a month to get some clarity. I kept it very simple as my sponsor suggested.

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Thank you so much!!

I appreciate knowing that. I’d forgotten how gnarly it can be and how long it takes to lift. One day at a time!!

Thank you! Yeah, keeping it simple here too. I left my previous job due to having caught mono from my fiancé’s little sibling who we took in during Covid. Well, I’m 40 w/an underlying condition. So, 18mo recovery. I simply haven’t gone back to work yet. I have my next job lined up, but my fiancé has given me this time to go through a much needed home detox and recovery. I’m grateful every day!!