So i have been off drinking and drugs for about 8 months, but the question is. Is marijuana considered a drug. I have been using thc as a substitute and would like to know if marijuana can be a type of recorvey to get off of other substances.
I'm an advocate but many on here aren't especially if working a program. Many benefits to this herb including using it for ptsd, trauma, anxiety etc. It's the same question with maintenance drugs to stay off opiates. Well done on 8 months!
I can only share my experience. I've been sober from alcohol for almost 8 years. A couple of years ago, I started using Marijuana to relax, release anxiety, etc. What happened was a once in a while thing became all day and night. Now, I quit 11 days ago and have reset my sobriety date. I just know for me it's all or nothing. I didn't get arrested or into fights or anything problematic. I just didn't want to do anything but watch TV. I went from highly productive to barely getting by because of my use. I'm not saying you should or shouldn't. This is just what happened to me.
I have quit using meth for 97 days after 7 years I smoke weed once a day mainly night I feel so much better never going back