So I’m not a big drinker…. I can be around it in certain situations and not want alcohol. The problem comes in when I go to work, I work as a bartender and I just drink so much at times. I act out of character and it’s beyond embarrassing. I dnt want to quit because I need the money. Can anyone help ?
I’d look for a new job. I once had a friend who everyday worked a 12 step program for over eating. But at night her job was to bake, all night all alone making cookies and cakes and pies. Guess what happened next? Yep she over ate
You are so right…. I haven’t go fired because the manager loves me and I am a good worker when we are busy I’m focused and ready to go. It’s those slow night and clearly I can handle working there.
I now bartenders that do
not drink. They’re in aa .it’s not impossible to not
drink.might be hard in the beginning.first few weeks. It can be done with help.aa lot of meetings.and keep your job
You don't mention what about work makes you want to drink. I think you need to address that or change jobs
Aside from the obvious problem I never cared to talk to people who sit on barstools. Good luck !
That sounds like a tough situation! I agree with the comments above and would throw in what I heard on a podcast the other day - the skills that make you a good bartender (creative, communicative, etc) would apply well to almost any job
maybe switching to a serving position if thats at all possible. i used to work in the restaurant business for years when i was in active addiction and i can say its not a good environment for someone working to live sober with all the alcohol and drugs that go on behind the scenes. i would switch to a server position or PREFERABLY leave the business altogether i know its hard but like Maegen said the skills you have as a bartender are fantastic for any position that requires customer service and communication.
Change jobs. Behind the bar is where all my problems started.
Take it from me and have tried every which way to drink like a “normal” person and once you’re an alcoholic. always one unfortunately. I can control for about 2 months but it always wins eventually
There's an old saying that if you hang out at the barbershop long enough you're gonna get a haircut.
Replies offered-up a lot of good advice, with different perspectives. Do what you know is right for you. Staying as Bartender? Chat with other sober or “non-drinking” bartenders to see if you can take away how they do it? I had to get away from that because my post-shift hyper behavior wanted a few drinks to calm down. I changed positions where I am not serving alcohol, and earn just as much.