So Immensely Grateful!

Just started a new job. Was very nervous. Haven't worked in a while being in rehabs the past year. Housekeeping in elderly assisted living community. Im basically retired and these part time hours are exactly what I was looking for. Ive been there for 6 working days, today. I love the job, have gotten wonderful feed back from co-workers, management, as well as the residents. That feels so good. Especially while being in early Recovery. God set this path before me and i followed it!! Overflowing Gratitude


GOD- do what he do. Stay on that path. He set me up on one also. I'm not getting off.:slightly_smiling_face:‍:arrow_up_down::v:

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Congratulations on your new job. I work with the elderly as well. May you continue to be blessed on your journey.

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