So is everyone here sober or are there people who

So is everyone here sober or are there people who moderate? Please don't rip me apart, just curious.


Hi Daphne! I hope no one would rip you apart for asking a question. This is a community for those seeking recovery. Recovery typically means sobriety. Sobriety means abstinence from drugs/alcohol. That being said, we all need to start somewhere. I remember back in the day when I was trying to control my drinking/drugging. Apps like this weren’t available back then, but if they were I could see myself looking for support but not ready to stop all together. OTOH, most of us have already been down that road and discovered that it wasn’t the 4th, 5th, or 6th drink that was the problem, but it was the 1st one that we needed to worry about. I would bet that 100% of the people on here did try to moderate or control their drinking at one point. So, I would think that most could relate to where you are right now…if indeed you are there lol. Hope that helps


Most are sober or want to be. I’m not going to rip you apart. I can’t moderate. It’s impossible for me. lol If you can, kick a$$, but I cannot.

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There was a guy (not an addict or alcoholic) that came in that was trying to get laid and was handing out recovery advice to us addicts. That didn’t go over well. Just a heads up.:joy:


Thank you! It does! I have tried getting sober before, but never lasted more than 6 months. I feel like the less I drink the better. One day at a time, I know. But I get overwhelmed when I think about forever. Really glad this app is here.


Umm...Well that is def not me.



Seriously though, like Lee said, if you ever can’t moderate and $hit starts to baffle you, you are in the right place to ask difficult questions without judgement.

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No ripping anyone apart over here, don’t worry lol. I totally get what you mean by being overwhelmed with the idea of forever. For me, I don’t want to try moderating anymore because it always progresses eventually. Moderating would be dope as heck, but it’s not the path for me. I think it’s awesome that you’re working on it, however you’re going about it.


I can only speak for myself but I’m completely sober but I wouldn’t judge anyone for a second if they weren’t. The fact that you’ve found this site and are willing to try is all that counts

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I think I know who you're talking about! :joy:

Sorry to hijack your post Daphne!

When I first got on here, I stopped drinking, but I was undecided if I wanted to continue sobriety but the app helped me feel better about my decision to try to stay sober. There are some people on here who haven't stopped drinking but they don't like that they drink and want to stop.


I'm sober from alcohol specifically, because that's the substance I decided I had an unhealthy relationship with. It's not that I couldn't stop at one, or even go out to bars without having one drop of alcohol. It's that I already battle with depression on a normal day, and sometimes having just one drink could send me into a dangerously irrational state of mind. That is why I stopped drinking completely. Also, alcohol is what I crave when I feel let down or lonely or whatever negative emotion. I don't crave any other substance that I've tried over the years. It's very specifically alcohol for me.


Hi Daphne! I’m not sober yet, but I’m trying in earnest to do the mental work of addiction recovery first, so that the physical steps will take hold. I feel like I haven’t truly explored and integrated my shadow if I’m having this much trouble tolerating sobriety, so I’m trying to moderate and I’m on all the apps while I do the mental stuff


If you’re ever looking for someone to slowly get sober with together, I’m looking for an accountability buddy

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Just passing through…..whoa that was close!

I definitely can’t drink in moderation. One double whiskey neat turns into 4 then turns into beer. Oh boy have I tried but nope not sure me. That’s like a super power I do not have.

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I wish I could moderate! But fortunately, I have the disease of addiction. Yes. Fortunately. Through admitting my powerlessness and being able to take an honest look at how addiction affects my life, I’m a much better person than I am when I try to fight against my disease.
Whatever you believe Daphne, you’re in the right place asking the right questions. Whether you do 12-steps or find another way to stay clean and sober, it’s actually a great place to be. Welcome!


I think you will find support here. If anything you’ll be blown away at how many people are in recovery!

I can't moderate alcohol at all, so I don't try. I do smoke a bit of marijuana still though. Not sure if that fits your question though.

Well there are still quite a few men on here looking for a hookup. Sad but true…. Even with a boyfriend in the picture…

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