So ive made it to day 5 of sobriety.
Im very thankful in this moment for be able to stay strong despite the racing thoughts of drinking to scratch my itch. Im excited to gain another day, aswell as where this new path will take me. I truly hope that i wake up and have the courage to put another day under my belt. Im must remain focused, one minute at a time!
Keep doing what you're doing, one day at a time. You are strong doing what you're doing.
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I really appreciate the support buddy, it means a lot. Thank you!
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You got this, it’s never easy first but it gets better. I was the same way 3 years ago so I get it. For me AA and GOD did the trick but mostly cause it was more painful to stay the same then it was to change. Being around like minded individuals made it easier to ask for help when I felt myself slipping. Seems like you already did the hard part which is the “decision”. The decision to quit. The rest is just look forward, work some steps and don’t look back. Like I said you got this buddy!
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