Sober for myself and my kids

Grateful to have a weekend with my daughter home from college! I never realized how much it affected my kids until I got sober. Now they really enjoy spending time with me and tell me how proud they are of me. Sobriety is a true blessing from God!


My mom died an alcholic at a young age. By the last year of her life (we didn't know it at the time) no one would speak to her. She died miserable and alone while wrecking a decent family. With all this knowledge, I still struggle not to follow the same path.

I have to make my sobriety my priority. Without it, everything else crumbles around me. That was a tough pill to swallow having 2 children and not thinking of them as my priority. Because of my actions, I have a beautiful, sober relationship with my kids. I don't want them to ever see me drink again, so I get in the middle of my home group, and I sponsor 7 men now, and lead by example. Great post Mindy. I hope that you have a wonderful time being present with your children! :pray:t2::heart:

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That's the disease. I had to learn that I am mentally and physically different. Mentally I obsess about drinking- I can't wait to get off of work so I can have my beers. Or I'm gonna get 2 30-packs this weekend so I don't run out. I have a mental obsession that can only be removed by daily prayer and finding a power greater than myself. Best of luck to you M. I had 2 choices, go on to the bitter end or pickup the kit of spiritual tools laid at my feet. I pray that you break the cycle. :pray:t2::heart:

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Yes yes yes. It really awesome when we sober up and see all we’ve been missing.
Spent a weekend with my daughter a few weeks ago when she was home from college. It was great. I was present and accounted for :grin:

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Praise God, Mindy that is amazing thank you so much for sharing. God bless you. 

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It really is destructive for children and their relationship with their parent. It’s sad that alcohol has such a stronghold on us that it’s leads to the breakdown of a family. My kids reaction to my sobriety is something that I hold close when I think about drinking. Try and keep your experience close to you when you do as well. It’s hard. I know. Thank you so much for sharing that with me

Amen to being present and accounted for! It makes such a difference to them and they are precious blessings🙏

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God bless you Troy. You’re always so uplifting and positive. Thank you!

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It is truly my pleasure

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