Sober "in my dreams"

Last night, I dreamt I was at a gathering/celebration of some sort. Someone held up a glass of whiskey (my drink of choice before sobriety), and asked, “Who wants it?” I said, “I'll take it!” But once I had the glass in my hand, I didn't want it anymore. I set it down and walked away.

I just thought it was interesting that I'm even sober in my dreams now. Has anyone else experienced this? It made me feel even more confident in my decision to put down the bottle.


Hello!! So I have had many dreams where I find myself at parties or at bars where everyone is drunk. Usually I am offered one around every turn and finally I take the booze and have a drink or two….. I’m immediately hit with anxiety and regret… then I wake up.

I’m happy to hear that you stay sober and even reject alcohol in your dreams, that’s awesome! Bravo


Even though I have been sober for 4 years, I still have dreams and there is usually a bottle of beer and me holding it. It is not a factor, just a reminder of the past.


I posted yesturday asking if anyone else has dreams about drinking so im glad I'm not alone. I usually dream that I do get drunk and then I'm disappointed I myself but I'm relieved when I wake up. Hopefully soon the dreams will turn into me turning down the sauce.


I’ve had dreams where I’ve refused the drink and also consume it. The latter, like the others, Ialways wake up panicked but then soon realize it was a dream which I am so thankful for in that moment. In recovery we spend so much time working on our program it makes sense that it spills over into our dreams. When they come to drinking I am glad they stay there.:blush:


I remember being so blown away that for the first several years, my dreams had me making the fight decision. The last few years, it’s been very different. The good thing is I wake up remembering I’m working a successful program. Can’t blame my subconscious, but those relapse dreams are lucid.

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I too have drinking dreams. They don't bother me now, but at 1st I would wake up and literally feel like I was drinking and be very disappointed for about 45 seconds or so until I realized it was a dream.

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That's awesome to meet goals in your dreams.

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Drinking dreams used to really bother me/freak me out. Now when I wake up I have a laugh because I'm not hungover or desperate for another. I write about it in my journal then I don't think about it.

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gal my brain was going bonkers

Me too! Ive been having dreams where I drink and i dont realize what im doing until after im really drunk and too into a drink. Then I wake up thinking its real and stress out. Dreams are really interesting sometimes. I guess its just part of healing. Im glad (person who posted this originally) is having dreams to turn it down! I think it shows a lot of where they are on their journey

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I’ve never had a using or drinking dream. The closest was yelling at my sister for smoking weed. I don’t ever dream. They say every one does but I don’t remember any.