Sober magic

What I’m realizing is that becoming sober is transforming me into becoming a better version of myself than I was when I started drinking. And that’s magic!! I’m only 11 days in but I feel so much better mentally than I have felt in a while and I’m so thankful for that because depression and anxiety are prison for your mind and it’s a horrible place to be. I’m so thankful to slowly start gaining my freedom back!


Goodmorning good job stay strong keep this feeling going


Yesss happy to wake up and read this

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I realized that my drinking was just masking depression and anxiety for soooo long. All of that is so clear now :pray:t3:

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No turnin bak.

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Beautifully relayed, Liz!
Keep up your momentum.
I am excited for you!!

This life is so much better! :raised_hands: