Sober Stay at home mom

Gosh I feel better because I’m not high as ishh falling asleep in front of my kids and sleeping the days away not even caring about myself anymore ….

The issue is depression and anxiety are addictions sisters and they seem never to be to far away. . Just when I get a great thought to be active and do something amazing
Depression comes right in like a tidal wave and devours the thought and then anxiety comes in and helps my feet grow roots into what ever spot I am in and then before I know it it’s gone from 10 am to 5 pm in a blink of an eye and I’m wondering


Hi Chelsea, it took for me to get to the point were my anxiety and depression weren’t crippling. I also work with my doctor to find the right medication for me. It’s hard and it’s a struggle, but you got this. Trust me, it is worth every second of the to be were I am now, more physically, mentally, spiritually fit than have been in a lot of years.

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My recommendation is to talk to your doctor. They can help with this.

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This can be changed by you sister! I have a great therapist I can recommend if you'd like.

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I’m in Columbus Ohio but yes I’m always taken suggestions