Sobering is measured in Years!

I’m grateful for the first, second, third, and fourth DECADE of being sober and starting the 5th. Also realizing that it always gets easier, so why sweat it! This is just your natural state and you’re way out ahead of the pack of drinkers always!!!


Some things here need help. I cannot find all the likes that I buttoned in my first week. It’s like I never did it!. I’m not here to find sobriety, I’ve had that going on fifty years. I want Community. Of non drinkers as you promised. And there should be be some way to filter in the quitter Wannabe crowd that do that as a pastime and to get attention. What fresh meat we are for party folks. Someone is Sober how long?
Quitting is the art of moving on, get out of the sandbox (bar life) and just feel someone and something new. Is that so scary?

You realize you replied to your own post?

Right. I had to uninstall and reinstall this app earlier and lost all posts, friends etc. a work in progress this app I guess. Thank you for sharing your sobriety accomplishments. One day at a time can seem like a long time. I'm sure you know what I mean. I'm a little over 7 years in. I agree it does get easier. Even though I still have bad days and thoughts of the old days of using. Community helps. I agree 100%