Sometimes Feelings Just Suck

Today my feelings have a death grip on me. I can't seem to find a way through them. And gods know, I'm aware that 'this too, shall pass' but it sure as h³ll doesn't feel like it right now.
I know that the only way to get 'past' these feelings is to go through them. I know. I know. I know. But knowledge doesn't necessarily transfer to emotions.
I have been doing this for nearly 40 years, I really have. I've had loooong periods of clean time, double-digit years clean. I've had significant clean time over and over in my life. I've spent the vast majority of my life living clean, so I know how it's done.
Here's the thing though- I'm pretty certain that I never stopped running from my feelings.
I've worked 'some' steps, but not all. I wasn't ready.
Today, I pray that I'm ready. My bottoms are always emotional bottoms, each one lower than the last, getting closer and closer to that ultimate solution.
That's not what I want to do. I don't want to choose permanent solutions for temporary problems.
I mean, it may suck today. I may loathe the way I feel today and my disease may be telling me that it's never going to get any better, that this pain is never going to end... but here's the thing. Tomorrow might be the most beautiful day I've ever experienced. Or maybe the next day, or maybe some little tiny thing will spark that feeling, that memory within me, that life is beautiful. Because even in the most awful times, there is exquisite beauty.
The day that my husband passed, (clean almost 3 years, again) is a perfect example.
The previous night we spent as close as two people can be. The day of his death, we did things together and held hands and just were so happy and so in love and so content. He passed during a break from a movie we were streaming. He passed knowing that he was loved infinitely and unconditionally. He passed clean and no longer had to fight the monster called addiction.
So in that unbelievable sadness and grief, the beauty was there, if only one looked.
I need to look at the beauty of this day and stop revisiting the pain of yesterday and the fear of tomorrow.

I went to a meeting tonight, for the first time in several days. The topic was the 5th Tradition. That's a great Tradition. That and the 3rd Tradition are probably my favorites.

Just writing this is helping. I need to remember to reach out when I'm in pain instead of holding it all in. I'm great at reaching out a helping hand, but not so good at reaching out FOR a helping hand.

So, today I'm hurting over a lot of things, I'm hurting so much, but I'll get through it. I need to be willing to reach out for help.

Thanks all :two_hearts:


KELLY, I’m so proud of you thank you for speaking up and speaking out your truth. How much time do you have now?

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Thank you so much, Troy :kissing_closed_eyes:

I thought back, the other day, to when I probably last used. It's within a day or two, either way, of March 20th.

In a week I'll have 60 days.

I know that this is one of those time periods in early recovery when we get squirrelly. That's why we get the key tags when we do :slightly_smiling_face:

Troy, I appreciate you. I see you commenting on so many people's posts. You just encourage the h³ll out of people and that's a beautiful thing! :orange_heart:

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I’m so proud of you. One thing I can say through my own experience.. is hold onto the night step promises. We do not regret to pass no west to shut the door on.

Through that I remember the pain. I do not dwell on it but I remember it when I’m feeling off and I remember the misery that I was in. I prayed to my higher power that I call God. I asked him to please give me the strength to never have to feel that pain again

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Thank you for that reminder. I'm in dire need of some step work, that's for d@mn sure.

I know it’s hard finding his sponsor to share those deep dark secrets with but just remember. freedom comes from letting go of the past. The things that we have done when we are drinking and drugging is not who we really are it is who the drink and the drug made us be.

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…you wrote “ I need to “.
First of all, how heartbreaking-to lose your husband, Kelly.
This sounds traumatic and I am sorry that you have had to go through this.

I am just bringing up the “ I need to “ wording-because I find that works against the very thing that I am trying to feel…( if this makes sense ).

Why do we tell ourselves we “ need to “?
I don’t like the added pressure to “ need to “.
I know what you mean (?) - while maybe also, give yourself a break.
I promise that I am not trying to be-sound annoying!:nerd_face:


Good morning KELLY how are you doing today?

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Hey Troy
Good afternoon
I'm clean lol
How are you?


Thank you, Sarim. Fair points. Hugs to you.

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Keep talking, writing and sharing. Keep doing the next right thing even when you don't feel like it. These are the bumps in the road we all face and at the time it sucks but use the tools. They work.


Kelly, hi-
You are welcome!

I was also thinking-just moments back…

It is the holding on to feelings - that part stinks!

Feelings are just, well…

Our brains, we are the ones creating so much chaos-with certain labels, assumptions.

I am working on letting go of thoughts…and working on not clinging on to them.

Being patient with ourselves and our lives-can yes, feel overwhelming so often.

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To Kelly and anyone else who may be interested,
Consider please-
Checking out the work of Dr. Kristin Neff.
Her work, research focuses on self-compassion.

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It says “half measures availed us nothing” not half measures availed us half.
I mired in that for far too long. “We let go absolutely”.
I found if I completely surrender and let go things go really well and serenity is there. As soon as I retake the wheel it’s downhill.

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That is awesome. I’m so proud of you, KELLY.

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Thanks, Amy

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Thanks. That's much needed. Bless you :pray:

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You are welcome, Kelly.
And I thank you, as well.
I am wishing you a peaceful day and evening.

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