Sometimes I feel like I was born with autism, and

Sometimes I feel like I was born with autism, and I really struggle with it. I often find myself hating who I am because of it. It feels like I’ve established a negative path for myself due to these feelings. I still don’t like living with this condition, which seems to be a part of my life forever. I just want to break free from this sense of boredom and frustration.

Don’t let it feel like a life-sentence… find freedom in it. You have an answer as to why you were feeling displaced and estranged all along. You’re wired differently (and so am I). Alcohol is a depressant which used to alleviate some of the overstimulation for me, made me more socially cognizant (so I thought)… I struggle with the frustration and boredom too, try taking a drive here and there. Going to meetings helps. Here if you ever want to talk. I was diagnosed at 25.

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