This is what gets me every time! I want to go out!!! Have a good meal and drinks then head to a couple bars with “the” friends.
I have 30 days tomorrow, so completely bored!! Involved in AA events and they’re ok, definitely not the same!!! :weary:


Your life is better without that poison. Believe me I watched two people die from it. :pray::pray::pray:. Not pretty and not worth it.

It gets better, one day at a time. I never thought that I could have sober fun. The last 23 months have proved otherwise, and I now have a life beyond my wildest dreams. Stick close to AA, and work the steps with a solid sponsor. You will be just fine!

Totally normal what you’re going thru! Continue the fellowship, reach out to fellows if need be.

Same here

Where do you live?

Magic the gathering it’s fun and the lore/ art work of the cards is something to take your mind away from troublesome thoughts also if ya got a sponsor call them if not get to a meeting and find one!

If you want to go out go out, nothing wrong with that, but if you're an alcoholic once you have one drink you will lose control and your life will fall apart, so just remember that. If you have doubts try some controlled drinking and see how it goes. I go out all rhe time I just don't drink alcohol anymore

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That’s a shame I’m in New Jersey

Sobriety is a different kind of fun!! Make the best of it :raised_hands:t3:

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I'm right there with you. I struggle to find fun without the booze. I have to figure out a whole new way of fun. It's been a struggle.

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Same. One drink leads to 2 then on and on. I know this so I know not to pick up the first.


My AA homies and I go out to eat at least once a week, and we do other stuff like paintball or go shooting, or road trips.

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Good morning Maureen I’m so proud of you don’t give up the fight you are worth fighting for. Please don’t forget that.

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Find some hobbies and join some clubs just stay busy. We are children of chaos and serenity doesn’t come easy we are always thrill seekers. It gets better every day just keep sticking around🤗

Hi, friend! There's a lot to do, in the world. Shake up your routine!
Boredom comes from the brain wanting to learn something new. It literally reels at doing the same thing over and over, once it's fully learned it.
Pick up a service position at your local home group, try foods you've never had before. Grow a houseplant, talk to someone after or before a meeting that you don't know. Do step work or try a different meeting.
There's a great book called "Living Sober" written with the newcomer in mind. It helped me out so much.
There's hobbies, friends, fellowship, classes, even video games and sports... don't stay bored. Boredom takes us out to the bar and worse.
Happy hobbies, my friend!

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Still bored?

Yeah that’s my plan

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I get it. It does get boring. I feel like my life revolves around work, AA, and other stuff to keep me sane, clean and sober. I have a lot of issues too. Feels like there is not enough time in the day to have some ‘fun’. Just eat, sleep, and recover. I’m just about five months clean and sober. I’m just starting to get my life back together. I take it one day at a time. I try to remember what happened to me when I wasn’t clean and sober. My life went to trash (can’t swear) overnight. Literally. I’m still early in my sobriety, and I’m still learning, but if I can offer a piece of advice: get out there. Find out what else there is out in the world. Rekindle old interests. Be mindful of where you are and the success you already achieved. Find new interests. Explore. Don’t isolate. Be bold, don’t be afraid. Be grateful in your sobriety and celebrate that!