Starting a job in recovery

How do you deal with people that use in your job environment?


That’s a tough one! I’d try to have compassion and be very grateful I’m not them🙏. But don’t let their sh!t get on me! I don’t play that game. It’s only a matter of time until those people are found out and dealt with. I’d be very careful not to get caught up in their nightmares.

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Remember your primary purpose stay clean you work not to make friends you work to get a paycheck so don't break your anonymity and if you so happen to meet somebody on the job that's pretty cool still keep your boundaries not everybody has to know your business I remember people are people live and let live. Also you're not mother Teresa don't try to save
the world by promoting your recovery again. If you do all those things you'll be fine. I remember this is an app you need to actually make meetings in person especially now that you're working.

keep your anonymity


Thank you guys! Just realized this was my post lol :joy: I saw Jan and I was like wuuuht​:joy: I forgot that I never got to choose the right username I wanted but thanks for all the kind advice! I’m in a great place, with tons of people supporting my recovery, and I have big plans in the works to have a great life now that I’m doing the work! Things are really looking up for me and I’m so grateful and thankful . 🥹 godbless

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Hey I’ve been thinking a lot about this as well I just started a serving job (I tried for MONTHS to get a meaningful job working with adults with disabilities, but with my background nobody would hire me, so I had to move on and just accept that I’ll have to get some time being out of the legal system before applying to those types of jobs).
Anyways, we all know restaurant work has LOTS of substance use connected to it. I mean - my first night shift they were cutting lines of cocaine in the back of house and taking shots in the front of house at the bar lol. I just distance myself from everyone- I’m there to make money and get tips. Nobody gonna tip me if I’m plastered and can’t do my job anymore. I don’t make friends or get close to anyone that is drinking or using, I’m very nice and friendly and non judgmental with them but I just don’t engage, do my work, and leave. I don’t give my number out to anyone associated with using.
The only thing that really bothers me is when people are using they tend to slack a little on their portion of what needs to get done. So I usually just suck it up and do their sh!t too so I can leave faster lol


Holly, I dig your post. Thanks! You seem smart and on your way to a great life. Don’t worry, you will leave the legal system behind if you stay clean, stay smart and stay cool.
I had decades of legal issues and now 15 years clean and no legal issues. My business associates are world class. Good luck to you!


Congrats btw on 15 years that’s crazy. I sometimes have a hard time picturing myself get that far. I have 4 months which is the farthest I’ve ever gotten out of 8 times in rehab… but one day at a time that’s how I keep putting on time.

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