Starting all over again

Welcome backā€‹:pray::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Next time remember this situation- try your best to avoid it this time.. just 1 never is enough

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Welcome back

Those days up until you started again! All count days you didnā€™t have before !

Hey Tyler, are you going to meetings? Are you working the 12 steps please let me know.

Whats ur biggest trigger

Try something different this time.

Hey, take your time. No one's perfect, and of course we learn everyday from what life ditches at us. We'll sure get there someday. Sending :heartpulse: and :bulb: :blush:

Good morning Taylor

We all have our struggles. Like it says in the knife set promises sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly they always materialize if we were them.

We all have to work the steps in order to change our behaviors and our way of life. Thatā€™s the way we get true freedom.. have a blessed day Taylor

Don't beat yourself up. I did for a while. Then I got away from 12 step programs. I realized their is nothing to get. You just do your best.

It's not about the falling down, it's about the getting back up, one day, one moment, at a time. JFT <3

Iā€™m glad you got back up and going because the longer you stay out the harder it gets! Iā€™m proud of you and Iā€™m glad youā€™re here.

My Dad always says ā€œ It takes what it takes until it takesā€ I am also a chronic relapser and I used on & off for 25 years. It does get a little easier to come back from each relapse each time because, for me any way, itā€™s hard to get loaded with a head full of recovery. Donā€™t give up on yourself!!

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