Starting all over again


Back at day one… :broken_heart::sob:
Why can’t I get it right?!


I know what you're sayin, I'm going through the same thing.
Glad you're back on here willing to try again.


Thank you. Same to you!

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I relapsed after almost 5 years. New date is march 8 2024

Congrats on your almost 2 months!


Thanks. Congratulations to you as well.

Congratulations to what?? This being my day 1, again??? lol thanks???

Yea of course. You’re back in the fight!


Focus on the time you already have sober. A relapse doesn't have to be a full reset, it doesn't erase the time and work you have prior to this. Keep at it, surround yourself with as much support as possible, you can do this!

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Thank you! I didn’t look at it that way

Thank you!!

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You got this

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Do something different this time? Are you making any sober friends irl? They are thr main reason im still sober. For me, it made all the difference.


I have one sober friend.

That's a great start. Do you do meetings or anything?

Take it easy on yourself. You can get it right. Hit a meeting. Talk about it. Don’t use. Wash rinse repeat. You got this!

Been where you are at many times. I kept getting back up! Finally I went all in on my program and it worked. 15+ years of absolute sobriety.
Are you working the 12 steps with a sponsor?
I’m available if you’re serious and willing to go ALL IN.

Try to not beat yourself up and see this as yet another opportunity to figure out which tools and resources will help you to make sobriety stick, this time around.

I feel as if the one thing above everything else…which keeps me going…is not wanting to revisit, relive how sh-tty I felt…the morning that I took my last sip of alcohol.

I deserve a far better life than drinking offers…and so do you, everyone here does…regardless of one’s choice of poison…each of us deserves to remain sober.

Let us know how you are doing.
Hope that you are proud of yourself for showing up and starting again!

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I couldn't agree more with sarim. You've done so much good for yourself. You haven't wasted all of it. Get back on track and keep going.

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I relapsed so many times because I wasn’t willing to take any suggestions. I wouldn’t pick up the phone and call anyone or stop hanging out with my old friends. Everytime I would end up getting high! It took a lot of practice. But now I’ve mastered the art of reaching out, especially when I have crazy thoughts. Sponsors are there for a reason you should try and find one. Also I go to meetings on a regular and if an in person isn’t available they have them on zoom now all hours of the day!! Sending good vibes your way my friend you can do it!!