Starting all over today. I have never attended AA

Starting all over today. I have never attended AA but I think it just may keep me sober.

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There are other options besides AA, this my second time around with this and AA doesn’t work for everyone. There are many programs available, I just joined one called it helped a friend of my daughter check it out it’s free.

Hi, Diane. Have you found a meeting?

It definitely won’t hurt !!

But then again it is to each their own. AA doesn’t work for everyone. I know a lot of people that got sober and are fulfilling the things they always wanted and never attended a meeting in their life. Consider all your options

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Your a winner just for today,

AA is fantastic. Saved my life . It's all what you make of it. This is as simple as it gets:

  1. Don't drink (you can't get drunk I'd you don't drink)
  2. Go to meetings ( Here you will meet many wonderful people).
  3. Get a sponsor (Someone who can take you through the steps and share their experience, strength, and hope).
  4. Work the steps (Life changing)
  5. Get a home group ( A way to give back)

Good luck with whatever decision you make.

Definitely have to find what works for you! Hope you are doing well today!