Starting meetings tomorrow

I was on the verge of going back to an old pattern of spending whatever money i had left on cocaine, doing it alone at home and sleeping my days away in depression…
But i quickly realized the vicious cycle happening. Tonight i had an intense craving again and got through it but only because i reached out to a few people and was honest.
They helped me get through that craving. Gave me support. Passed the time until i realized hours had gone by.
Tomorrow i am going to take the leap and attend my first meeting. If a few people from my support system can help me get through cravings… imagine what a roomfull can do xo


With that beautiful addutude, you'll make it.
I hope you're attending N/A as your meeting. You may be nervous at first. But if you're like most of us. and we all have more in common than we realize at first. We come home to find our people in the rooms!! Amen!! God bless you. :two_hearts::pray::grin:

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Yes definitely going to N A meetings.

I love in person meetings

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