Starting over...i relapsed in September and hit the bottle again

Starting over...i relapsed in September and hit the bottle again. I really felt like giving up on life with the hard times. Im so disappointed in myself.


Hang in there taking a day by day minute by minute if you have to you got this!!!

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One day at a time and always look at The positive things, God bless

You just have to keep trying :brown_heart:

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Remember you made it through before the relapse. You got this, and you deserve to not only live, but enjoy life. Don't beat yourself up and remember how much better you feel without the bottle. Keep pushing and surround you self my more positive influences. Next time you have the urge or a temptation, please message me. I've been there and someone to talk you through the struggle will help in so many ways. I have faith in you!

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Welcome back

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We have all struggled to keep sober…. We have all felt the disappointment… we are all starting over

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