Starting to feel better

Slipped on Saturday. Thought I could handle a few and went out. Went way overboard, but didn’t even realize it until it was too late. My brain just shuts off and I make poor decisions. Day 3 of a hangover and finally starting to feel better. Embarrassed. Ashamed. Just trying to pick up and start over again.


Welcome back

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The acronym for SLIP - Sobriety Losing It's Priority. I would HIGHLY recommend AA. I had to do my best to hit 90 meetings in 90 days. They told me, "Don't leave until the miracle happens" and "Come to meetings until you want to come to meetings". I had to learn that I was in the grips of a progressive, fatal illness. I had to learn that I was mentally and physically different from other people. I had a mental obsession which caused me to think about drinking ALL of the time. I also have a physical allergy (an allergy is defined as an abnormal reaction) to alcohol. That once I put alcohol into my body, the phenomenon of craving is introduced and my body demands MORE. That just doesn't happen in the non-alcoholic person who can seemingly drink with impunity. I had to accept that I was completely powerless over alcohol, and once I started drinking I have no idea what the outcome will be. I know that when I drink, I can't and don't stop and that I never truly "get my fill". AA has taught me all of this, and more and I now have a life beyond my wildest dreams, free from King Alcohol. It was a direct result of going to meetings, and being willing to change and open minded enough to follow the suggestions of those who came before me. I got a sponsor, a home group, a service position in that home group, and got in the middle of this thing. They also told me to stick to the middle of the pack, bc those on the outskirts get "picked off". That has been, and remains my experience with this horrific disease.


Read Hope by F. Scott Fitzgerald… it always helps me

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I’ve been there and done that too! Don’t be so hard on yourself, it’s okay. Honestly a lot of the times it’s kinda part of the process. Sometimes we just have to touch the fire an extra time to really get it. I’ve been sharing this quote I saw on here because I really like it! “Don’t be afraid to start over - this time you’re not starting from scratch, you’re starting from experience.” You’ve got this!!


I made it today and feel great!!!!!

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Slipped, I feel really like a failure.

Thank you I would like to talk with you more

Katie….its part of a process like Amanda said!! It too shall pass and you will find a way. Nobody is perfect as we all know too well. You got this and focus on one day at a time.

Thanks for sharing. Shame is the tool of the devil, but understanding guilt and working through grace can give us the freedom to enjoy today, sober, without spending so much time regretting the past.

One thing I have learned is that whether I went overboard or not, the booze never did anything positive for me. Last night I went out and sang karaoke with my lovely lady and had Dr pepper, and had a wonderful time; no worries about driving, no hangovers, etc.