Staying sober

Well 12 days today and last night was the first night I was really craving a drink! Something that has been so destructive and killing me! Like how can I even think about it? Any advise


Congrats on the 12 days. Our minds don't remember the destruction when the cravings hit. I usually have to find something to do, find someone to talk to, or help another addict/alcoholic. Those things always help me to get out of my head. One day at a time we move forward.


Get u sum coping skills
Find an A.A meeting and get a sponsor

Yes for sure thank you

Stay busy, like someone mentioned. Meetings for sure. Sparkling water helps me. Find a support network.


It gets easier

Are you going to meetings? It gets easier, I stay busy with work and the gym.

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Congrats. I have nothing of value to add other than what has been mentioned already- but I am proud of you.


Nights are the worst for me too! I just keep myself busy all day til I pass out. My work and social schedule help out a lot.

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I have a go-bag with an essential oil roller, picture of me and my kids, a letter to myself and prayer beads. It changes my senses to move forward.

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I too suggest staying busy or meditating if you’re into it or both. In my experience finding ways to get out of “self” by helping people around me is what works. Calling a friend to check on them, going to the park, taking a walk, doing a virtual meeting. I used to take the bus from one end of the city to the other to get to work and would smell alcohol or marijuana and get really bad cravings. My therapist told me to get some essential oils for my bus rides that reminded me of better times- for me that was patchouli. If you have a favorite scent or something that reminds you of a happier time - when you smell it- your sense of smell is connected to the same part of the brain as memory and emotion -anywho it’s fascinating, a great way to pull you into the “now”.


What's up Brooklyn in the house!


I’m in country with no friends or family. I’ll start going to meetings and the gym. Tremors had to walk out from my job. I know I can do better!


You'll probably make friends at the meetings and gym. I know it takes time to find friends. I struggled with that too when I moved to a new area. We must show ourselves friendly if we want friends.

Stay Strong Sophia! Plan your next day out! Think about how productive & good it will be! Talk to your family & friends! You can do this Young Lady! :hugs:

Great to hear that sophia. I would say you think productively of what is ahead of you so it will help you leave those things in the past. Stay Strong

Keep on Trucking

Good morning Jesse: There are a ton of great meetings online! Please reach out; there's great help available.

Keep coming back! This is a 24-hour program. Thanks!

Just talking about it..letting someone else know..keep moving forward and change those thought to something positive..