Steroid shot causing withdrawals

I hurt my elbow and got a steroid shot. It helped a lot! but now on day 5 I’m feeling something horribly similar to dope withdrawals! After almost 2 years clean this sucks and I’m really struggling today and it’s freaking me out tbh! Anyone else ever have this happen?! If I’d known I would’ve gone without and just dealt with the pain!

I have not experienced that but I know that steroids can have a stimulant-like effect and that there are side effects when getting off of them after long term or intensive use. So, not surprising to me. I hope the feeling goes away soon. Hang in there.

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Thanks! I knew long term they could be ugly but I never suspected a small one time dose would affect my brain that way. Wish my doctor would’ve mentioned it lol I obviously turned down plain meds but didn’t think about the darn shot