Sticking to the plan

I had a good plan laid out with my therapist but I’m struggling with sticking to it consistently. Starting to feel like my only option is going cold turkey. Thankfully I don’t get DT’s so it won’t be as hard as it can be for others, but it’s still going to take effort and patience. Hoping to get through one full week without resetting my sober date again


Good luck and don’t overthink it. I’m struggling a bit today getting out of my routine. But I’m making it.

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I'm doing cold turkey right now and it's so hard but I'm just trying to one moment at a time take it. I have meds that help but it's still a struggle. But I believe in you

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You can do this! Focus on not hurting yourself anymore, and do nice things for yourself. Pray for strength and perseverance. Distract your mind from the obsession of picking up. One hour, one day at a time. Peace.

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