Still haven't quite managed zero drinks. But I've managed fewer

Still haven't quite managed zero drinks. But I've managed fewer. Trying to talk myself into being ok with slow progress.


I’m doing similar. My therapist calls it harm reduction. All progress is better than no progress! Keep up the good work!

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Thanks you too! It helps to know I'm not the only one. Sometimes you start to feel like it has to be all or nothing. But you're right. Progress is progress.


As they say, the only way to “eat an elephant” is one bite at a time!

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Good morning Bea

I’m so proud of you one day at a time. The thing is you’re admitting do you have a problem? That is your starting point. my recommendation is to try to get to meetings. And then get a white ship and surrender.

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Different people find their sobriety in different ways. For you it sounds like your path is the "progress not perfection"

Whatever path you take, just focus on getting through this moment. You are capable of solving today's problems. You don't need to worry about what comes next.

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Progress not perfection

Just keep trying. Keep trying!

Are you in AA?

Hi Bea! Congrats on seeing that you may have a problem with alcohol… it takes some people many years to be honest with themselves.

There is no 100% money back guarantee that comes with going to meetings, being in fellowship, etc., but i have met some of the funniest, smartest, amazing people in the rooms. some meetings in my area, will allow a person to attend even if they have been drinking that day. they just request that the person does not share during the meeting.

The meetings in my area welcome people in any and all conditions. It's definitely not easy and I'm happy you are taking your first steps. I didn't realize that there are different types of alcoholics. Old me thought alcoholics had a problem drinking every day, drank when they woke up, and probably didn't have a job and were homeless. I know now that's not the case. It's a progressive disease of the mind and it's more about how you think about alcohol and drugs and how to control it and you can be functioning to a degree and it might not be a daily problem (yet). Get connected to people in recovery and try not to isolate if you can. Just keep doing the next right thing. :pray::sparkling_heart:

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