Stop Running from Financial Stress and Face It Head-On

Let’s talk about something that used to eat me you alive – money. Or, more specifically, the lack of it.

Do you feel that? That constant pressure. The relentless grind of trying to make ends meet, pushing yourself to the breaking point, all to chase some illusion of security. You work harder, you take on more, you hustle like your life depends on it... and still, it feels like you’re barely staying afloat.

Sound familiar?

But here’s the thing – no matter how many extra hours you put in, no matter how many side gigs you pile on, the truth is... you’ll never outrun financial stress if you’re trapped in a mindset of scarcity.

Because the problem isn’t how much you’re working. It’s not about how many hours you grind away or how much you sacrifice. The problem is that you’re overcommitting, overstretching yourself, and STILL feeling like it’s not enough.

And when it all becomes too much – when the weight of it crushes you – where do you turn? You reach for a drink. You numb the stress, the anxiety, the fear. For a moment, the noise quiets down. But guess what? That drink doesn’t fix the problem. It’s temporary.

You’re not dealing with the root of the issue, and you know it.

So what’s it going to take to break free? First, you need to understand that financial stress is an inside game. It’s about how you think, how you plan, and how you respond to pressure. Scarcity is a mindset, not a reality. But if you keep living like there’s never enough – money, time, energy – you’ll keep running yourself into the ground.

Here’s the hard truth: No amount of overworking is going to make up for poor financial decisions and the belief that you’re always one step away from losing it all.

You have to shift. You have to stop running from the stress and face it. Look at where you’re overspending, where you’re overcommitting, and start making different choices. Start controlling your money, instead of letting it control you.

And most importantly, stop using alcohol as your go-to solution. It’s not solving anything. It’s keeping you stuck. It’s numbing you just enough to forget about the stress for a while, but that stress is still there, waiting for you the second the buzz fades.

I remember I used to go play poker at the dog track. I found that I could overdraft my account for $500 which was two buy-ins at the 1$/2$ Hold 'Em Tables. That would leave me $100 for drinks...and cost me $35 in overdraft fees. It's no wonder I was having financial issues.

Are you ready to change the game? Are you ready to stop burning yourself out, stop numbing yourself with alcohol, and start building a real plan to get out of this cycle?

Because here’s what I know: You are more than capable of handling this. But it’s going to take action. It’s going to take you stepping up and deciding that enough is enough. The answer isn't always to work more hours. You need to work smarter. You don’t need to drink away your problems. You need to face them.

It’s time to stop running. Stop avoiding. Stop numbing. Face your financial stress head-on, and take back control of your life.

So, what’s it going to be? Another night of overwork followed by a drink to drown the anxiety? Or will you finally take the steps to build real financial freedom?