
I have court on the 17th and my community service and fines are not finished, plus I got a second DUI while on probation for the first DUI. Hopefully I’ve done enough for the judge to allow me to continue what I’m doing now and I will have 125 hours done in six weeks and that will finish them. Fines…haven’t even started paying. I know I know stressful situation I’ve got myself in.:flushed::flushed::flushed:


Been there… got a 2nd DUI while on supervision four score and 7 years ago… matter of fact in my home state of IL. You will get thru this Carey :pray:t3:

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Illinois…good old Illinois. I’m in Peoria county. But my case is in Tazewell

Thank you! I’m still fresh in recovery and I’ve been sober 5 months I’ve finished my IOP still get counseling and live in an Oxford House. I’m finally at a point in my divorced life I feel I manage my life. I just hope the judge sees it the same way

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Don’t drink today and keep doing what you’re supposed to do from the court. Whatever’s gonna happen is gonna happen. Just do your part moving forward and keep your side of the street clean. I’ll say a prayer for you Bud.

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Good morning Carey

We have to let go and let God and pray. We cannot change what the judge is going to do. But we can accept and walk-through the fears. I have you in my prayers, brother.


I had tons of legal issues looming in early sobriety. I was facing 20 years in prison, and dealing with an ugly divorce. Somehow I stayed super close to my AA program and sober. I feel that my higher power protected me and I got through it all. No prison and icksnaid the ball & chain once and for all😅


I'm paying fines from things that I messed up 2 and 4 yeats ago. If we know that we have learned the lesson it's really a small price to pay right?