Struggle bus

Today, I’m struggling with sadness. Several things coalescing all at once and none of it new but getting sober, while being single for the first time over 20 years and ending a very nasty divorce, makes for a lot of alone time that I normally tolerate well, but not today. My best sober friend is a travel nurse and today is his last day on the job, so I think it’s just too much for my heart and mind to balance today. Fear of insecurity is activating in this moment and I just need to acknowledge that to the universe. I’m not feeling very emotionally sober today and have to work through it. Anyone else struggle with sadness randomly?

I’m generally a live in the present well-grounded guy, so it’s weird when I’m suddenly not. In the past, this would have been a night of dancing and drinking to numb the discomfort and get myself into a happier mood (at least temporarily). But sobriety has left me just sitting in the discomfort and I’m not sure how to move past it yet today.


Yes, we all get sad. We can’t avoid it I’m allowing myself to be sad when I do.

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It hits me from time to time. Hoping today you're in a better place.

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Bryan I’m the same and I’m a nurse haha message me

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It was gone within a few hours after I focused on my gratitude practice and took some time to sit in the discomfort. Feel all the feels.