Struggled with opioid addiction and depression, I’m looking for a

Struggled with opioid addiction and depression, I’m looking for a sober or even struggling friend to support me and vice Versa. No judgement, reliable-calls,advice, positivity, text? Consistency


I need the same!!


Me too!


Me too, my sober date is 12-31-23. Want to exchange info?


I’m down for a sober friend too you can message me if you want to. I only have like I think 100 ish days but I will help as much as I can

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Go to meetings. Everything you need is at them. You can get a better idea of compatibility in person.

I Don't understand why people skip meetings and go straight to the internet to exchange numbers etc. It's worth a try.

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Sure always if appropriate to yaor anyone

This app an excellent resource IN ADDITION to in person meetings. I think your assumptions about this platform are misguided. I, myself attend 11 meetings in person a week not to mention 4-6 meetings a week on zoom. Your advice is nice, but the delivery could come off rude to some newcomers or people who desire to stop drinking. There are no rules. It’s all suggestions, be mindful that newcomers are looking for any excuse to feel unwelcome and uncomfortable. If I wasn’t familiar with the program I would take your comment as abrasive and negative.

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Looking for exactly the same thing. Trying to get on a sober track and could definitely use someone to do it with and to have one another to lean on when our minds and habits are against us. Feel free to reach out!

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You sound like maybe you take a lot of things "negative and abrasive".

I just want people to survive, that's it. I tried online shït for years and it just didn't work. I didn't really feel like I had a chance until I was doing in person stuff, where I could be held accountable.

It's made all the difference FOR ME. My experience.

I am also looking for the same thing.. it’s been 4 months and 20 days I graduated 120 day program.. my support system is now gone.. not exactly sure how to go about things but I guess I’ll figure it out

Hi T. I'm sorry to hear you're feeling this way. I've been struggling with depression too. I know it's hard. You can message me anytime.