Struggling after 11 years having lots of bad thoughts

Struggling after 11 years having lots of bad thoughts

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Hi Meghan. Have you found a meeting? I know you've been struggling the last few days...have you considered speaking with an addiction counselor?

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I have 11 years sober, there are days but it gets betterat times

I have an addiction counselor but I haven’t found a good meeting yet

It’s been rough for everyone don’t
Know you still go meeting my group just started meeting in church parking lot haven’t been to meeting before that I’m over a year I use phone every other day I’ve been going to my group over 37 years 2 days a week I missed the people get to meeting or on phone rite away

Hi Megan , I totally understand your pain , as women it’s even much worse , I wish you the best and the strength to carry on

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Do some soul searching to what is it that’s making you feel this way and write it down. One feeling after another. Talk to a therapists sponsor or home group. Look at your feelings that you put down on paper and answer what & why is this feeling so strong. You will find your answer. You will overcome.

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If you're thinking about picking up again you need to understand that it's a big fat lie! I've been there and I've done that. When I relapsed it felt so good to have that drink. But after a couple of months of drinking day after day and getting drunk I couldn't understand how the heck I got myself into this. After I got sober and started going to meetings I finally came to the conclusion that I believed the lie; that this time things would be okay.
They were not!
Don't believe the lie!


Megan - feel free to reach out to me - I remember that time