Struggling alcoholic

I need to stay sober. I can’t keep living this way. I need help

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Hey Jerry,
A few months ago I was right where you are now, I would imagine. I was drinking and using to the point of feeling suicidal. I went to residential treatment for 3 months, got a sponsor, started doing meetings and working the steps.
You took a big step in reaching out on this platform. Good work.
I suggest getting to a meeting in person or on zoom. Get some numbers and use them.
Or chat with people on this platform.
Most importantly know that you are NOT alone. I'm available to talk if you like.
Today I have almost 4 months clean and sober. Keep the faith my dude!

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Tomorrow will be 90 days for me. But 89 days ago I was in a bad place. Physically dependent on liquor to the point I couldn’t function. The first couple of weeks were rough but it gets better. AA meetings, a sponsor (which I don’t have yet ), and information helps. I have the big book ( I also bought the audio book to listen to on my phone ear buds. ) it’s a 6 hour listen. Get sober safe. It can be deadly to stop cold turkey without any medical assistance . good luck

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I’ve been wanting to go to AA and get a sponsor. I’ve been on medication to help me stop drinking, the shot and the oral kind. I’m going to do some more research on meetings

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Thank you, I’m just tired of this. I don’t want to drink I just can’t help myself. I’ve lost jobs, I lost my partner of 10 years at the beginning of the year because I kept choosing alcohol over her. It’s exhausting

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There is an app it is called everything AA, and you can find Zoom meetings on it anytime of the day :100::blush::heart:


I downloaded one called Meeting Guide and I am going to go to a meeting in 30 minutes. Thank you for that exact app!


Good job! I suggest introducing yourself as a new Comer and get a phone list. Let us know how it goes. If you want I can also suggest a couple good zoom fellowships. But in person meetings are where it's at.

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Hey Jerry great step asking for help. I follow refuge recovery and there are always meetings online.

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Thank you! I’m really glad I downloaded this app. I’m ready to make that change

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Thank you, I plan on doing online and in person, I need to find a sponsor