Struggling. Anxiety + isolation has me falling into old habits

Struggling. Anxiety + isolation has me falling into old habits. I have every reason to stay sober… yet I can’t seem to make it through. I KNOW I feel so much better when I don’t drink, yet I did again last night. Trying to be kind to myself but still feeling shitty.


Have you tried to get to an AA meeting?

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I have researched AA and have strong ideological differences with many of their central tenets… I do recognize the need for opening up to others, so engaging with this app/group is one of my efforts to that end. Thank you for the reply! I appreciate everyone on this site!


That is awesome. I’m glad you are here.

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Glad you are here. Have you ever heard of refuge recovery? Hope today is a good day. Odaat

I feel the same way about much of AA. But, as you also mentioned, thr sober support system I have found really can't be beaten. You have to carve our your place in AA sometimes.

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This is a start by opening up. Kudos for doing so as I know it’s not easy. Many people on this site can be helpful. It’s helped me. Reach out and talk to those willing to listen. And keep doing so as you work to stay sober.

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You can try everything you want. The only thing that worked me was AA. I’m also anti religious. It worked for me. What could it hurt to try?

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This is the exact situation I am in, it is hard, but I look at what my life Could be and that I just have to get through today. Sometimes I think that I have so many reasons to be sober and all of the best intentions, but I am also evaluating what works and doesn't work. The one thing I lean on is Jesus and online support groups. This seems to be what has helped me most of all.

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If simply knowing that it’s better when we don’t drink was enough, then this app wouldn’t exist.
That’s why there is A.A. NA and other recovery paths. I suggest you try one and get some relief.