Struggling emotionally daily

Struggling emotionally daily


What's going on, Lisa?

Hi Lisa, Handling emotions properly is really hard. I try to keep myself/my mind busy. I have also worked a lot on changing the way I think. If I feel myself thinking negatively, I try to redirect my thoughts to something positive or pray for the person or situation I am thinking about. Sometimes I have to change my thinking a lot in a short period. Stay strong and keep reaching out.

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I'm so sorry you're feeling like this right now , it will gradually become better we used substances to distract our feelings and emotions feeling everyday it will get better please message me whenever :purple_heart:

Get you a therapist mine is helping me with copeing with my emotions without drugs or alcohol...I do know that thinking positive is the best way but I also know a lot things dnt seem positive but if you take a min and sit n think about it you can usually find something positive in most situations...and remember it's ok to have a bad day just dnt dwell on it and have faith tomorrow will be better

Get out of self. Help someone else. Call another alcoholic/addict. What step are you on? Do you have a sponsor?