Struggling hard today

Struggling hard today...

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I don't understand what's wrong with me...I don't want to be this way


Nobody is even here...

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Sorry, sometimes it takes a minute for someone to see your post.what is going on?

What’s going on?

Hey Elizabeth, I’m sorry.. I just started this app and I feel the same way. Today is so hard. I hope you found some help. I’m sending you lots of hope. You’re not alone.

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Hey Amanda, it's Amy. How's it goin? Hope things are getting easier for u today. Idk about u~ but early on in my recovery, seemed the most challenging. And when I didn't know WTF to do-- fake it til ya make it!

I was talking with a lady just before a meeting, this last full moon was a bitch for some people, I was feeling over welmed and lonely, and listened to a few others that complained of being Restless, irritable, discontent, the hideous 4 horse men, terror, fear and I can't remember right now but it sucks

Hope you're feeling better!

How are you Elizabeth?

Helping others gets me out of myself. That in itself is a spiritual thing.


Hi Elizabeth, I'm new to this but I hope you are feeling better..

It’s ok for it to be hard. Nothing in life worth having is easy. Your worth it and will overcome

How are you doing today?