Struggling in my relationship

I’m struggling with my relationship of seven years to my boyfriend. We have been together for 7 years but he was my best friend for 3 years before we became an official couple.
He always adored me and I never questioned his feelings because I could see how happy he was on his face.People would tease us about not being a couple and everyone knew how much he loved me because you could read it all over him.I actually loved that he was that smitten by me.We have undergone a lot of challenges in our relationship like I was in a previous relationship when we were just “friends.” I ended up pregnant and the man left me two months into my pregnancy. Jason stuck by me through every hardship I faced. He never questioned me about the situation even though I was devastated that I was going to be a “single mom,” and that my daughter may never have a “real dad” in her life.
But our relationship dynamic shifted after Mila was born ,and he had undergone a real bad relapse on drugs right before I had her. I had to cut him out of my life completely at one point because I couldn’t stand to watch him literally kill himself right in front of me. That’s when I realized I truly had feelings for this man. He eventually got through his relapse ,and he started to sober up. He started working again ,and he lived at the men’s sober house for six months before I allowed him to move in with us ladies(my two daughters and myself).
Our relationship was so strong and nothing stood in the way of our love for one another. He eventually moved in with us ,and the rest is history. My youngest daughter doesn’t even know that Jason is not her real dad.
Then about 2 years ago, we started to have a major disconnect in our relationship. He stopped watching shows with me altogether.
My boyfriend has been an amazing man to my children.
Recently though we have undergone some struggles in our relationship. I used to enjoy my time with him no matter what we were doing. We used to hang out and watch tv for hours together and now he plays video games instead of spending time with me. I’ve told him that the games have gotten between us but he always laughs it off ,or he turns it around on me saying “I don’t give him any of my time anymore,” granted I have two children , and go to college full time, so that I can give my kids, and family a better life than what they had experienced. We don’t really fight ,but that’s because we don’t talk to each other for days. And I haven’t slept in my bedroom with him in over six months because our daughter is scared of the dark and has to sleep next to me. I don’t feel that he loves me the way he always had because he surely doesn’t look at me like he did years ago.
When we do argue,I always take it to the next level ,and threaten to leave him ,and that I will take my children too. I know that’s not easy to hear constantly. I personally went from zero to a hundred so quickly.
I’m like a ticking time bomb some days because of all the stress I am under currently. wonder why he doesn’t want to be around me? I’m not exactly the most pleasant person , in which I’ve told him numerous times that I’m going to “walk out,” or “move out ” every time he makes me upset. I was leaving I got upset and take my children, which has got to hurt his feelings. I don’t know if it hurts her academically, the same way as last school year may have hurt her grades on Friday last week

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