Struggling to not go to the store and buy a

Struggling to not go to the store and buy a flask of vodka

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Just Remember how it makes you feel the next day. Praying for you. I'm here if you need to talk

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I'm 3 days in ... I'm excited to make this far! Then to get further


You got this!

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Only a month in this time , I keep telling myself I feel so much better physically but mentally I just want the release it provides me

Congratulations on that , one day at a time I keep telling myself

How ya doing now?

Yes please remember. I’m on day 4. You can do this!! Stay focused!!!

Annie Grace helped me get sober so I encourage you to Google her … she’s the absolute BEST!! I borrowed her 2 books from the library for free, but you can also get them on Amazon. The 1st one I read is called This Naked Mind. The 2nd one is called The Alcohol Experiment. They are both very enlightening!!. She also has a podcast & she answers readers questions on YouTube. I downloaded her app on my phone for free too. It’s called This Naked Mind Companion App. Her message work because of the science & psychology. She will help you forgive yourself & show yourself some grace. She also co-wrote a book about nicotine for people trying to give up smoking. Good luck!!!

You okay?

You can get through this! It's going to be okay. Just don't pick up that first drink. Talking to someone and speaking about what you're struggling with is a huge step!

How do you feel when the bottle is gone ?