Struggling to stay afloat

Hey guys… I’m not sure if this is acceptable on here or not but I recently returned back to work after 3 months of treatment. I’m still waiting on my first paycheck. I am trying to get caught up on bills from the last three months. Phone service might be cut off soon too. If there’s anyway anyone can get help me out. Any little bit counts and is greatly appreciated. Here’s my CashApp $ca7102
God bless you. Please keep anything negative out of here. I can’t take it emotionally right now

Ps. Just picked up my 90 day chip yesterday :relaxed:

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I canʻt send cash but you are in my prayers!

Time... Things I Must EARN. THE DREAM. THE.. STRUGGLE... AND THE PRIZE.... I DID 40 MONTHS OF DRUG AND ALCOHOL TREATMENT. I HAD TO EARN IT EVERYDAY. my sponsor or anyone else wouldn't give me a HANDOUT. I ENCOURAGE YOU TO move forward everyday..... You will make it IF YOU want to BAD enough. Today I'm in year 37. You made it this far. Trust the process

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Stay clean everything will work out!! :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3:

Lean into the Lord. He knows your struggles. You are not alone.