Struggling with agreeing to quit. I am a full time student,

I believe in you. It’s just about not thinking about it. Just do it. We as addicts procrastinate until something bad forced us to. Get ahead of it. You are more than capable. You must want it as bad as you want to breathe.

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I believe in you, you got this I would see if you can get into some meetings get a sponsor with your steps

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How are you feeling now?

Have u tried methadone?? You can message me if you like

U want to Ralk?? Talk??

If it’s opiates you need help with the kid and detox. go to meetings share your problems get a sponsor open up to any suggestions. zoom is ok too

I would suggest doing an outpatient program with Suboxone support and make meetings when you can, I wouldn't suggest going on methadone.

You can do it, it's not easy but it is achievable.

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Yo if i can do 3 years clean, anyone can start. Don't look at it like the rest of your life. Take it a minute at a time. Worked for me.