Struggling with agreeing to quit. I am a full time student,

Struggling with agreeing to quit.

I am a full time student, Mother and. Just moved into an apartment and I am trying to get clean off dope.

Hardest thing to do right now, but needs to be done.


Hello Amanda,
I think making that decision sometimes can be harder than carrying it out. I bet of you think on it enough, you'll realize that by quitting you're not missing out on anything good at all, rather allowing your body to heal and your mind to be free from the slavery of the addictive withdrawal/replenish cycle that is so damaging to our mental faculties. I know that when you make this decision and carry it out that you will enjoy yourself,children,studies, and life in general much more. We're all in this together, let's make it count.


Amanda just make sure you have like minded people around you. You can do this just don’t try it alone



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Amanda I missed out on seeing my kids grow up because I couldn't give up me addiction and then when I got clean it's the hardest thing to try and love myself again after knowing that my kids missed me so bad and they needed me.So please don't miss out on not being there the way you should. Amanda you can do this if you put as much in to staying clean as you do to get high. I know it's very hard but so worth it. I took one hit and was an addict for 38yrs I lost everything and by the Grace of God I been clean 4yrs so I will be praying for you but remember you are worth getting clean sweetheart :heart:


You can do it


I am going through the same exact thing 100% love message me if you need a friend I’m struggling as well


Amanda, I had to stay clean 1 hour at a time in the beginning.
After doing time, losing family, my business and everything. I still craved getting loaded.
Finally decided to go to 3 meetings daily and got super serious.
This sh!t is powerful, I needed help.
I’m here if you want to talk.


Update everyone, in less than an hour I will be 1 day clean.

I know that sounds ridiculous, but whatever.

My body is killing me, a few days ago I was admitted into the hospital because I got Covid for the first time. The Covid turned into sepsis and they didn’t mention that to me while I was still in there, had to find out by my discharge papers.

I’m 32 years old and this is the 2nd time I’ve had sepsis within 5 years.
First time was because of pneumonia.

Does anyone have any suggestions to my healing process?

Anything to keep me from being completely drained?

Thank you!


Sometimes when we are first getting clean we just need rest it heals you sweetheart..


Rest, hydration, healthy foods are key. Get blood work done at some point to make sure you are not deficient in anything. One lacking vitamin or mineral can make us tired or worse. Take it slow. Protect your sobriety like a child.


When I started my sobriety journey I found I had to shift my mentality and expectations of myself. Your whole nervous system is going to be out of whack while the poison gets out of your system. I had to accept my emotions, thoughts, insomnia etc are just going to be different. Once I accepted this and gave myself some grace I was less anxious and able to move forward. Life does get better and we need to fill our free time with positive sober activities. Exercise, meditation, meetings, cooking, cleaning are all things I used to stay busy and keep from popping a bottle or pill. Setting a goal is huge. Also living in the moment. We can't change the past, but if you focus on living right today tomorrow will solve itself. Keep your head up you got this.


Amanda, you can do this! Go for it and keep on until you get it right. You won't regret it. I am approaching 11 months since a jeroin relapse and 2+ yrs from ice and any regular H/fent use. I have a lot of issues I work on still, daily, but getting serious about sobriety is the neat choice I've ever made in NY life. Doing my gratitudes has help tremendously with the mental/emotional regulation aspect.


You need to speak with someone every day. You can call me anytime I don’t care what time 909-313-6004


Where are?

Dope is the most evil drug ever in my opinion when ur body needs it you have to detox and stay away from

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What dope are we talking about? Just want to make sure I'm understanding clearly.

In general, getting into a healthy routine would be my first suggestion. Doing your daily gratitudes and attending as many meetings as possible whether in person or online. You are a mother so yes, it's got to be done! Your child deserves nothing less!

Meetings will not only offer solace bit healthy and sober friendships. Getting a sponsor is equally important bit take your time and choose a sponsor that works best for you.

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You can do it. Remember anytime you think of doing it. Just contact me. I’ll listen

Surrender is the hardest part

It’s a decision only you can make. What are you afraid of?