Struggling with methamphetamines 

Tried to reach out to my doctor, but all they brushed it off as low libido and that I will obviously get it back. I am 35 years old and still have yet to receive that libido back even partially. I would love to have that connection back with my husband, but it seems like nothing I do, whether it be diet or exercise changes that we struggle with wanting to get high just to have that sexual connection again and feel close to each other it’s hard for me to reach out. I’ve never shared this with anyone if someone has any type of input even just a little, I’m willing to listen

How long haveyou been clean/sober? That actually is important.

A couple months

Well, depending on how long you used for, it takes the body time to “ return to factory settings”, so to speak. I also don’t know how old you are. So age may or may not play a factor.