Struggling with sobriety. It’s probably my arrogance that prevents me

Struggling with sobriety. It’s probably my arrogance that prevents me from opening up to most that have tried to help me in the past. I feel like I can’t be honest with people who are not like me. Meaning I was taught alcoholic culture from the day I was born. Now I’m about to turn 50. I’ve helped everyone that I ever could, or wanted help. Now I feel that there’s nobody that can help inspire me to help myself. Most days I only care about myself because of the people in my life who love me but don’t understand alcoholism and how hard it is for me to not drink.


Hello Tom

I’m sorry to hear you are struggling. I’m so sorry to hear you think no one is there to help you or wants to help you. You are not alone anymore.

Are you going to meetings?

Do you have a Sponsor?

Do you work the 12 steps

Please let me know thank you.

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I do none of the above. I’ve tried. My arrogance has always got in the way. The hypocrisy that comes out of me is mind blowing. Like my problems are real and yours aren’t. I’m able to understand that I have so much sense of entitlement without actually understanding other people’s struggles that I’m the fool. My trust issues are unbearable when I look at myself in the mirror.

Thank you

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You got this and you are not alone

You sound just about how I did in my first few attempts at sobriety. The vast majority of us struggle with the disease and the innate selfishness that is so characteristic of it. When I was getting drunk I didn't give a darn about anyone but nyself and certainly didn't care about the problems of others. It's dealing with that self interest that is different about AA rather than just not drinking.


I appreciate your response. Thank you. I can will myself to accomplish the near impossible goal in almost every instance. Except for this. I haven’t found a meeting yet that I’m comfortable in. Another me problem. But talking about it here for the past few hours, much like treatment, feels great temporarily.

I feel you. Same situation
It’s hard to battle this disease on our own.
I respect and appreciate this site to be able to adapt and overcome with the help of complete strangers

We are all in this battle together and helps knowing there is others dealing with this and willing to support and help anyway they can.

Tom, sounds you are waking up. When you get your ego in check you’ll be in good shape! I sponsor if you’re serious, contact me.

For some reason I would risk my life to help others or make an uncomfortable person feel safe. De-escalate any situation even if I have to put myself in danger. And I’m not a police officer. But I have this block when it comes to helping myself. Dr’s told me they don’t think I’m crazy but I have this internal conflict everyday of my life.

Does this resonate with any of you guys who are kind enough to care about a stranger?

I saw that you live in Ct. I’m NYC/NYS. Is it weird that I automatically think I’d be more comfortable with you than a dude or lady from the Midwest?
And are there rules about Fraternizing on this platform? Some AA groups frown on that. I’m very happily married and my wife is fine with a platonic relationship with a woman. We’re adults.

Convoluted way of saying I’m more comfortable with people that would understand where I’m from and how easily accessible booze and drugs are. Narrow minded I know but that’s where im at. Be well dude. I appreciate your words.

I am very aware that you are not a woman. Threw it out there to say it doesn’t make a difference.

Sending abundance and positivity your way. Just make it the next 5 mins and after that make another and after that bump it up to 15min and so on till it’s daily. Focus on the here and now.. you’ve got this! I believe you can! :muscle::100:

TU! Tonight’s extra hard. I appreciate you!!
Positive vibrations from here to there!

One of the biggest pieces of advice I cld give you bc I can relate in so many ways to your situation except my drug of choice is meth, and my family are not supportive once so ever. I mean my mom gave me the meth pipe when I was 17 yrs old and gave it to me when I relapsed so I can relate. But the important thing we must do whether we like it or not is find a support group that understands our struggles. Building a strong support system is so important and I’m telling you this bc I knw it’s hard. If you can find a support group they will provide care and understanding. That’s when you hit your knees and cry out to God for him to make away bc I promise you he will!

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I’m trying hard to find. Haven’t yet ie the reason I’m persuing this app. I will always wish you well Courtney. Thank you for the support.

You were shared many good thoughts and's difficult to add anything new other than my perspective (for me) my ego has gotten me where I am and the more I'm able to let go of that the greater peace/sobriety/lightness (lack of better word) some call it God or you can call it anything you like...there is something far greater than me and my "problems" the more I'm able to let go of "me me me" and surrender to what is - that's serenity. In my better moments I'm able to understand that situations are either working for me or they are working on me...there is something I must learn in order to make me a better human being. I am (like any/all of us) no better than anyone else...the same as I am (like any/all of us) no less than any other. We are all uniquely walking our own path and exactly where we are meant to be. God has infinite patience