
Day 3, definitely a struggle. Not sure what my goal is right now.. wanting to try a week sober maybe at first. I want to be able to have a drink here and there.. but is that possible? Will I spiral? I’m someone who drank 6 drinks or more every single day.


Don't waste your time trying to moderate. Some people can do it, but alcohol is addictive and its a poison. See alcohol for what it is, a poiaon that only takes from you. It gives nothing. I sure don't miss hangovers or the feelings of impending doom coming down the next day. Don't let alcohol steal another moment from you.


Brad is so right. Alcohol is a mutagenic neurotoxin. Try a couple days sober, the days are so much easier without having to recover from being poisoned. You'll thank yourself


My understanding is, if you're an alcoholic then it will be physically impossible to have a drink here and there. A key component of alcoholism is what's called "the phenomenon of craving." In plain terms, the sense of ease and comfort- the buzz; the glow of the very first drink or two - guarantees an alcoholic will not stop at any given setting. The buzz is so overwhelmingly comforting that one could pass a lie detector swearing to stop at one drink- but once the drink is consumed, the body glow is so overpowering that a full-blown hours-long drinking session is essentially guaranteed. The reason that sucks is that we're inevitably doomed to jail, institutionalization or agonizing alcoholic death if we continue on. I've found the 12 steps to be the solution for myself. But in the first few days I ate chocolate and repeated a mantra to myself over and over throughout the day: "We don't drink. Period. We don't drink. Period. We don't drink. Period." Best regards to you. Should you endeavor to quit drinking, please know that millions of people have succeeded - even having endured the torture of the first few days. This is achievable!


I am an alcoholic and an addict. You say you were someone that drinks 6 drinks a day. Sounds to me like you never could settle for a beer or two. And there’s a reason for that my dear. As we say one is too many and a thousand is never enough. Well same applies to YOUR life. Sure I can have just one or two drinks. But I’m not content. I have this feeling of want.. discontentment.. unsatisfactory.. and a desire to simply have “just one more”. Evaluate yourself. Truly think about how your brain reacts to the alcohol. I can tell you that if you have the need to have 6 or more drinks a day that you are indeed an alcoholic. You may not be the unemployed belligerent family reunion ruining drunk that you have pictured in your mind. You may very well be a functioning alcoholic. Either way, it’s all what you want for yourself and your life. You can live out the rest of your days being slave to a fkn beverage or you can do something about it. And if you choose to do something about it there are millions of us out here willing to take you by the hand and take the first step with you. Hope you make the right choice!! God bless.


Best of luck to you🙏

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I tried moderation many times and it didn’t work for me either. Like I was able to before, but then I was like you and up to 6-7 drinks a day. It’s scary to think of letting it go forever though so just set small goals, you’ll realize how much better you feel. Reach out and connect connect connect! The sober and recovery community is full of amazing and supportive people! And your life will never be so much better.


Here and there is not a real choice.. if it was you would not have encountered any problems .. take one day at a time and every morning say “ not today “ and mean it​:blue_heart::pray: