
Im only four days in and feeling like i need a drink to feel "normal"
I dont want to go back to the hospital.


That is a very interesting way to verbalize your reasoning for wanting a drink, to feel "normal" I never thought about it like that before but I completely understand what you are saying. That's how I feel tonight. I just want to be normal, have a drink and the end of a long day


How are you?

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An Alcoholic not drinking is in an abnormal state. Stay sober retrain your brain give your body time to heal and make sobriety a normal state :muscle:t3::pray:t2::raised_hands:t3:


It’s hard right now, but give a minute and it changes,, call someone,, your doing great, reaching out on this platform is a great way to stay sober., we’re all here to help,,,, 1 minute at a time sometimes is what we need to do., then 5 minutes, then before you know it…. You did 24 hours


You got this! I know we don't know each other but I believe in you!!!


It goes like that. One day you won't want it anymore for good but this phase is the hardest. I know. Been there and still fighting the good fight, not sick but always under temptation. It's been a year two months since I had a drunk but it's a daily struggle that gets easier with time. You'll get it after it's had you for so long but you will let go. And trust me. I don't miss the hangovers or hospital stays. Keep fighting!:point_up::pray::point_up::heart:


There's a new normal waiting for you. I think going to a recovery meeting and telling them how you feel will be a huge help. Prayers


Withdrawal is terrible. But when you make it to the other side it's beautiful. If you've lasted 4 days, you're past DTs and serious medical issues. Ride it out


Another drink only leads to another drink and so on.
The DT’s will end.

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I have been going to one on one counseling and it is helping...I completely respect the institution of AA however living in a small remote corner of the world it is never anonymous

Luckily I haven't experienced DTs ...I have seen it but for me my alcoholism is controlled. I know that doesn't make alot of sense to some because when we think of alcoholism we think the worst. I'm functioning alcoholic , so I drink daily but how have learned to control it to certain hours of the day and only a certain amount at a time . I will drink a flask of vodka daily but you would look at me and never know I had a drink

My hat is off to you👏. I was a high functioning alcoholic for many years. Owned and operated a real estate investment company. Nobody knew I was a daily drinker. My experience is that alcoholism is progressive and caught up to me.
I wish you only the best of luck. I’m here if you ever want to talk

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What your feeling is completely normal. As alcoholics drinking and being under the influence is our natural state. In the beginning being sober, our bodies tell us, is completely un natural. Give it time, go to meetings, get a sponsor and work the steps.

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