Depression is a beast. We all were taught it but alcohol is a depressant. In the moment it may makes us feel numb and therefore better but I. the long run it depresses everything good within. our natural chemistry. I live with pain every moment of every day and eventually after 20+ yrs I figured heroin, why not... It was free for me and I had already failed several legit suicide attempts.
All this just to say, life can be a pickle at times. Like the gross bread n butter ones... but the more we stay sober and in the moment the more we learn what the moment is meant to teach us and the more we grow and realize we never NEEDED any of the drugs or alcohol. The more we recognize the power within us to heal and to overcome. My pain probably ai t going anywhere good anytime soon but the. again, I don't plan to either.
At the end of the day it all came down to this personallly... "What will this teach my kids?"
When I began to evaluate every decision I. this manner, my life got real and fast. It's tough, yes. Every single day. But if I can do it, they can do it.