
Hello, my name is Barbie and I’m an addict. I can’t say this out loud without bursting into tears but I am definitely struggling with my sobriety. I have 13 years off drugs and four months today. Sober off the bottom it’s really hard every store I walk into it’s there it’s socially acceptable to drink and it’s really bad right now.

I’m depressed an just in a whole mentally just in a low today


I’m an addict too. I’ve been sober from cocaine and pills since 2007 and then became an alcoholic 10 years ago. I am on my journey getting sober from alcohol. I own my addiction. I can’t announce that to everyone because some people don’t understand but I truly believe addiction is a disease. You are taking the steps necessary to recover and it is so darn hard. Hang in there and I wish you the best.


Everyone is here for you. Stay strong and keep reaching out.

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4 months? Amazing!! Congratulations!!! You have to want to want it!!! ODAAT!! Wishing you happiness!!

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Dont...plz dont...join the horde...zombies...stay human :heart:


I’m an addict too! We don’t stop being addicts, we trade our addictions for new ones that don’t alter our reality or mind state… like I traded my alcohol addiction for cashews.. then I traded cashews for peanut m&ms.. mmn.. and then right when I kicked those candies to the curb… pop tarts went on sale :joy::sob::sob: oh and coke zero? Forget about itt. It’s ova wit. Sign me up!

You will get through this difficult moment, for everything is temporary. Lean on your support systems, and remember that the benefits of sobriety far outweigh the temporary false positives of alcohol! Have you tried coke zero!? Would be a tasty way to wash out the awful taste of pickles!


Reach out if there’s someone you can talk to. If not keep coming back here, or maybe sit in on a Zoom meeting even if not a regular thing. There are very supportive people there who know what you’re going through.


Barbie, are you working with a sponsor? At nearly 15 years sober, I find it refreshing and fortifying to redo my steps.
I’m here if you want to talk.

I go to a zoom meeting daily now


Idk what that means

We’re all addicted to something. Ask god to help you take yoga, go into a sauna, buy flowers, taking a cooking class. Go for a hike. Don’t disappear your life is worth it.

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Courage, Barbie

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Old walking dead fan (reference) hope that you are doing well :heart:

lol I think I ships just go get some pickles lol u right

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Best of luck to you Barbie. So much help is available if you keep reaching out.

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fine, if you must but just know that I strongly disagree with this!

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Your doing the right thing by come here talking about it keep fighting you got this

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Hello, Barbie my name is Troy. I am a recovering attic and alcoholic since February 21, 2001 unfortunately I had 21 years of complete torture with alcohol and addiction. Since then I’ve gather tools to help me here just a few when I walk into the store, and I see alcohol immediately shake my head. The reason I do that is I think of my head as a cookie jar filled with bad thoughts by shaking my head, I shake that cookie jar and empty out those negative thoughts and I constantly start putting in positive thoughts. By doing this, it allows me to break that psychic mental obsession.

The other thing I do is, I play the tape all the way through. By doing this, I see the negative impact it would have on my life if I pick up a drink or a drug. Then I play the positive tape. If I don’t pick up a drink or a job, the positive impact it will have on my life in years to come. Not only in my life, but in my family‘s life and the people around me.

Hopefully this helps. God bless you. You can do this 

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Depression is a beast. We all were taught it but alcohol is a depressant. In the moment it may makes us feel numb and therefore better but I. the long run it depresses everything good within. our natural chemistry. I live with pain every moment of every day and eventually after 20+ yrs I figured heroin, why not... It was free for me and I had already failed several legit suicide attempts.

All this just to say, life can be a pickle at times. Like the gross bread n butter ones... but the more we stay sober and in the moment the more we learn what the moment is meant to teach us and the more we grow and realize we never NEEDED any of the drugs or alcohol. The more we recognize the power within us to heal and to overcome. My pain probably ai t going anywhere good anytime soon but the. again, I don't plan to either.

At the end of the day it all came down to this personallly... "What will this teach my kids?"

When I began to evaluate every decision I. this manner, my life got real and fast. It's tough, yes. Every single day. But if I can do it, they can do it.


Good words bro

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